daddy had to go away for work so me and the boys had a litle photo shoot.

**he has mastered the art of WHINING. its a little ridiculous sometimes
**he doesnt like laying in my arms unless he's really tired cause he loves to be sitting up on my lap
**he REFUSES to give me more than a 5 1/2 hour stretch of sleep. usually its around 3 hours whether he's hungry or not
**he LOVES LOVES LOVES his big brother. when lincoln is crying in the morning i make dyson come over and talk to him and he immediately starts smiling and becomes completely content
**he's been in big boy underwear for days and hasnt had an accident. am i good to say he's potty trained???
**he LOVES LOVES LOVES his little brother and gets so excited when he can make him smile
**he has discovered the magic of starburst jellybeans. he doesnt like candy or ice cream or treats so i'm pretty stoked that i get to buy these more often
**he's ridiculously amazing with electronics and can beat me at any game on his dad's phone
**he talks in his sleep almost every night and when he wakes up he'll tell me about his dreams. i have crazy vivid dreams so apparently he got this random thing from me
**he talks in his sleep almost every night and when he wakes up he'll tell me about his dreams. i have crazy vivid dreams so apparently he got this random thing from me